Friday, August 20, 2010

Limited Internet

It turns out Dillon Montana is not an area directly serviced by AT&T which is our cell and internet provider. And it also turns out that although we have unlimited internet usage on our AT&T account, that does not apply when we are in an area not directly serviced by AT&T. There is a limit when we're on a "partner" network and we went way, way, way over that limit within our first few days here.

After talking with AT&T they have agreed to cut us some slack and not cut off our internet service while we are here this month. They were actually quite reasonable about it and will be letting us go what I guess will probably be over 50 times our limit. In return, we have agreed to curtail our internet usage. Which means I won't be making any more blog posts until we leave Montana....another two and a half weeks from now.

I'll save all of Tom's fishing pictures and anything else interesting and post it all then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aren't you AMAZED how BIG Montana is? I find it amazing that it takes me about two days to drive thru. :) Flo lives there - maybe Tom remembers her from the Ski Lodge and Ski Shop ... :) Go fishing huh!