Sunday, June 29, 2008

Stayed in Amado for February

We didn't really have any particular plans of where to spend the winter - other than wanting it to be somewhere warm. So we decided just to stay in Amado for the month of February. Our friends and mentors, Doug & Karen stayed on too. They have been to that area many times and served as our guides.

We took a scenic drive on our own one day and just relied on our GPS to guide us. We went down to Nogales which is right on the Mexican border, then over the Patagonia Lake and up to Sonoita. From there we were looking for a more direct route back to Amado and the GPS found one. Unfortunately I had neglected to tell the GPS to avoid dirt roads and that's exactly where it took us - on a narrow, winding dirt road on the edge of a deep canyon! Nowhere to turn around and go back. Talk about an adventure. We thanked God it was good weather that day because if there had been rain we would have been in trouble. It sure gave us some gorgeous views though.

We thought that staying in a town less than 20 miles from the Mexican border would guarantee us a nice warm month. It was not to be. We woke up several mornings to below freezing temperatures and one morning it even snowed while we were in Nogales for a vet appointment with Monet.

Still, most of the days were mild, the company was good and the area is interesting so we enjoyed our stay.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hiya ET!!!
