There was a match (which is basically a practice show) on Friday before the real show and given Gracie's wild ways in the ring, we thought it would be a good idea to enter her in the match. We hoped it would help her to be more settled on Saturday for the real show. Bill McFadden (a rather famous professional handler) was the terrier judge. Gracie was the only Norwich and she behaved beautifully. I figured when we went back in for group with all the other dogs, she'd be her usual crazy self. But she completely surprised me and trotted around like a seasoned show dog. I was so pleased that she was behaving, and then I was thrilled when Bill gave Gracie first place in the terrier group!
That meant Gracie would compete for Best in Match with the other group winners. The judge was Mike Stone (another well known professional handler.) Again, Gracie surprised me by acting like a champion and went around the ring in a lovely trot, posed like a star and behaved beautifully. I didn't even care what the outcome was at that point, I was just happy that Gracie was showing so well. So I was ecstatic when Mike gave her Best in Match!
And yes, that is a ribbon made out of one dollar bills. A nice little bonus. I don't know if it will ever get spent though. Right now it's hanging on a wall in the motorhome.
Saturday was the real show. There was a large Norwich entry, a total of 21 Norwich with 8 of them in Gracie's class alone! I guess a light bulb has gone off in her little head because she again showed wonderfully. Unfortunately there were several other very nice girls in her class and Gracie took 3rd. But I don't even care that she didn't win. We are just too happy to see her finally behaving like a proper show dog. Hopefully this wasn't just some fluke and she'll do as well at her next shows.
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