Friday, April 17, 2009

Health Insurance Getting a Workout

Our health insurance sure is getting a workout lately. In addition to Tom's little episode, I have had an ear infection for over a week now. I was on an antibiotic for a week and at first it seemed to make a big difference and I thought the infection would soon be gone. But the little buggers managed to develop a resistance to the type of antibiotic I was taking and the last couple of days, I could feel the pain growing again, along with the feeling that my ear was full of liquid.

So, today we went to a walk-in clinic near where we're currently staying (Fountain, Florida.) The doc took one look in my ear and said "You have a really bad infection!" Guess now there's a lot of yellowish liquid in my ear and it is distending my ear drum. I've now got a new prescription for a different type of antibiotic to fight the infection, an antihistamine to help re-open the drainage tube inside my ear, and a topical med to help with the pain and itching so I stop digging at it.

If this doesn't work within a few days, the next step is a trip to an ENT specialist and getting a drainage tube inserted into my ear. Let's pray it doesn't go that far!

The initial COBRA health coverage we got when Tom first retired is about to run out and his "regular" retirement coverage will kick in, but at about double the price. Maybe this is God's way of reminding us not to grumble about the cost and just be thankful we have insurance!

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