Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Yuma, Arizona

After the dog show, we settled ourselves into the Cocopah Golf and RV Resort here in Yuma. We'll be here for the month of December. Tom immediately decorated the palm tree behind our RV with Christmas lights. This park has a regular 18 hole golf course as well as a driving range, so Tom is happy.

I have a friend who spent some time in Yuma last winter and made the trip to Mexico to have some dental work done. She told me her dentist had state of the art equipment and low prices. So when part of one of my fillings fell out a couple days after we got here, I decided to call her dentist to get it fixed. They got me in the next day.

We drove to the border and parked the car on the U.S. side, then walked across the border into Los Algodones, Mexico. The dentist's office was only a couple blocks away. Everyone in the office spoke english which made it easy on us. Turns out the reason my filling fell out is that my tooth was cracked all the way through. Which meant simply replacing the filling was not going to work. The entire tooth actually had to come out and I was fitted with a temporary bridge - two crowns attached to "real" teeth with a fake tooth in the middle.

Today I went back to have the permanent bridge installed. All went well.

While we were there, we decided Tom should also have his teeth checked since it had been awhile since he'd had a checkup. Poor guy had six cavities!

The good thing about it all is the cost was probably about half what it would have been at a U.S. dentist and insurance should cover the majority of it.

After the dental work was complete this afternoon, we wandered around town a bit and bought a beautiful ceramic bowl and a colorful planter in the shape of a frog. We have named him Francisco.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My in-laws live there. :)